Part 6It may be proper to ask here how long it may be supposed menmight have the seeds of the contagion in them before it discovereditself in this fatal manner, and how long they might go aboutseemingly whole, and yet be contagious to all those that came nearthem. I believe the most experienced physicians cannot answer thisquestion directly any more than I can; and something an ordinaryobserver may take notice of, which may pass their observations. Theopinion of physicians abroad seems to be tha
第1章 | 第2章 | 第3章 |
第4章 | 第5章 | 第6章 |
第7章 | 第8章 | 第9章 |
第10章 | 第11章 | 第12章 |
第13章 | 第14章 |